The stairway to heaven can lead you to many places, it can also stop you from achieving your goals. Fortunately you do get to choose. First make it to the top then decide which way to turn.
CX season just closed for me and now I get to reflect on my performance both on and off the course. Eleven races, one series complete, one podium finish and two podiums if you count on the third place team podium for the ABRA series.
I put out my best effort trying to stay with the best riders in the area. I must measure my success not just how I finished but that I did in fact finish. While I am lucky enough to savor the victories with my teammates and adversaries I am reminded by the gaps in victories themselves. I may not be in the same league with these best riders I did in fact do the following;
Eleven appearances, Creek crossing, Fence leap, Sand pit, Barrier jump, Log hop, Mud bog, Huge run ups, Bathe in a creek in November, Master a beer hand up without loosing a position and not one indecent exposure charge.
My goal was simple, no serious injuries this season. North Park was by far the worst for mud and rain. Monster 1,2 Little Washington and Wendy were the best for fair weather. Mike's Double Cross, hey what can I say was up there with the most fun if not devilish.
I do have a life outside of CX and chose to take two weeks off to go to Alabama and Buffalo.
This is why we do it!!!!
2017 Results Summary
7 years ago